2023.10 October

Titles and awards earned this month .... 

  • Starter Rally CW-SR C-Wags
  • Zoom 1.0 CW-ZR1 C-Wags
  • Obedience 1 CW-OB1 C-Wags
  • Advanced Nosework Champion ANCH UKC
  • Superior Nosework SN UKC
  • Superior Containers SC UKC
  • Superior Exterior SE UKC
  • Superior Vehicles SV UKC
  • Superior Interior SI UKC
  • Excellent Containers SCE AKC
  • Nose Work Skills Achievement 1 NSA1 NACSW
Link to Mookie's titles  63 Titles from August 2022 through October 2023
What is a title, really? (...a must read!)

2023.10.7-8  UKC Nosework Trial at Faith Christian Academy in Wausau.  Mookie was on FIRE!  He did 24 of 24 this weekend! So proud of the Mookster!!❤️ UKC Nosework Advanced Champion and Superior overall title!  He acted like he owned the show!!  

2023.10.22-23  C-Wags Obedience, Rally and Zoom trials!  Such fun!  This is a great venue to test how we're doing!  It takes 4 legs to get a title and there were 2 runs each day of Obedience, Rally and Zoom (which is Rally without the stationary exercises).  Mookie passed each one and got the 3 titles but it did show where we need to improve.  C-Wags allows treats at the end of exercises and while I had treats in my pocket, I didn't use them in the ring!  Thanks to Renea Dalms for the great experience at Pawsitively Unleashed in Stevens Point! 

2023.10.20 Barn Hunt at Oh Rats!!  Love going to these trials!  We're taking it slow and going 1, maybe 2 days out of a 3 day trial skipping Saturdays!  Mookie gets "stage fright" when there is a trial after finding rat after rat in training!  Maybe I should just call it the over aroused ADHD herding teenage Mudi that I have! I am confident that this, too, shall pass and he'll be as good in a trial as he is in training!  The good news is that he didn't get NQ'd for being out of control as he was leaping from bale to bale with joy!  And he did a record of 5 tunnels in one run!!  

The National Association of Canine Scent Work Association (NACSW) has skill building titles that can be earned virtually.  Mookie earned the Level 1 title by passing runs in Elevated Containers, Multiple Hides, Ground Hides and a One Pass Search!

We continue to train in frisbee tossing, treibball, carting, obedience, rally, agility, tracking, fetch and anything else that seems interesting!  Love this dog who wants to do it all!

Fall is here and the agility equipment is almost away!  
However, Mookie doesn't care what time of year it is when hunting CHIPMUNKS!!  

Mookie sporting his new harness that will hold his supplies when we walk next year!
AND, I didn't mention to him that the basket was for pulling on his cart not for riding in!! 

SPORTS and other STUFF (In alphabetical order) Click the link for more on each one!
Who knows what direction we'll go but there are numerous sports to explore so many are listed! 
Click to explore the ones in bold print that have more info!  This is definitely a work in progress.