Fast CAT

AKC Fast CAT® – which stands for Coursing Ability Test – is a timed 100-yard dash where dogs run one at a time, chasing a lure. It’s over before you know it — and it’s nothing short of awe-inspiring to watch your dog run at top speed, ears back, eyes focused, legs strong.  

Titles are earned as points are accumulated based on speed and a handicap for small dogs. 

  • The BCAT Title is awarded when the dog reaches 150 points. 
  • The DCAT Title is awarded when the dog reaches 500 points, 
  • The FCAT Title is awarded for 1000 points. An FCAT Title number e.g. FCAT1 is awarded for each additional 500 points.

The handicap system works like this:
  • Handicap of 2.0 for dogs below 12 inches at the withers.
  • Handicap of 1.5 for dogs 18 inches or greater at the withers. (Mookie)
  • Handicap of 1.0 for dogs 18 inches or greater at the withers.

This is a summer sport in this part of the country and dogs need to be a year old before participating so Mookie is just starting as of May 2023.  We plan to take our time and not get carried away so plan to stay local and enter 1, maybe 2 days of what is usually a 3 day weekend!  

Titles earned and dates

  • BCAT (2023.5)
  • DCAT (2023.6)
  • FCAT (2023.8)

Ranking on AKC website

Below in reverse order is his progress!

2023 August - A trip to Country Paws for 2 runs and then 3 days in Oshkosh for the Winnegamie Dog Club tests and he accumulated more than enough points to get his first FCAT!! AND in that FCAT run, he ran his personal best at 27.081 MPH!! 

2023 July - We did another weekend of Fast CAT tests in Oshkosh at the beginning of the month and Mookie pulled his average up to 26.95 but hasn't yet broken the 27 mph speed needed to move up in the rankings.  He currently is listed at 7th fasted Mudi having moved down from a high of 4th, not because he was slower but other dogs ran faster!! 

2023 June  The fun continues!! A trip to Elderon and then 3 days in Sheboygan and, because he's fast at 26.9 mph and because he's small at under 18 in, he racks up the points pretty quickly and earned his DCAT title which is the 2nd level after having earned 500 points! He popped in at #5 Mudi in 2023 but that is always a fluid number as more dogs participate. 


2023 May OMG!  How fun!  This was his first event at a campground in Oshkosh held by the Irish Setter Club.  He's in this photo waiting in line and hopefully the photographer will have a photo or 2 that I can't resist.  The first run took him a few seconds to figure out what was going on and after that he cruised along at 26+ miles/hour!   His average 3 best speeds (26.799 mph) puts him in the 4th place of all the Mudis as of this date pending AKC confirmation!  And he got the first title:  BCAT