UKC Conformation

UKC Conformation is a competitive event open to UKC registered purebred dogs, designed to evaluate a dog’s external appearance and structure as it compares to a breed standard. The breed standards describe the ideal qualities measurable through movement, appearance, and temperament of each breed. 

UKC Conformation is unique from other registries as it does not allow the use of professional handlers creating a venue in which the owner-handler can excel.

Conformation is a great gateway to the other UKC events and is an important part of UKC’s Total Dog award. Total Dog is an award given to dogs that not only look good in the Conformation ring, but can also excel in UKC’s Performance Events (Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Hunting Events, etc.). UKC strongly believes that the Total Dog philosophy is a great test of canine ability and strengthens the bonds between dogs and their owners.

And the journey begins (in reverse order)

2023 June Mookie had a super weekend at Camp Bandy at a UKC trial that included, not just conformation, but nosework and rally! He earned his Novice Nosework Champion title which he started last fall when He participated in his first scent work venue. This title requires a total of 5 Q's of each of the 4 elements! In order to potentially qualify for a TOTAL DOG award which is a group placement in conformation and a passing performance score, we entered Rally and earned the Rally1 title! This worked out successfully because he ended up with TWO GROUP placements (2nd and 3rd place in the herding group) also earning a conformation CHAMPIONSHIP title!

2023 February   
No doubt the highlight of February in 2023 was the UKC Conformation Show at Camp Bandy in Amherst Junction!  Mookie made lots of new friends because he gets to socialize with people at these shows AND he not only took Best of Breed 4 times but also won 3rd place in the Group competition!  

Click here to see more photos from the show.